Privacy Policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

With this note CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U. intends to inform users visiting the website “” (hereinafter the “Site”) of the Policy adopted regarding the Protection of personal data, underlining its commitment and attention with reference to the protection of the privacy of visitors to the Site.

Navigation within the Site is free and does not require any registration, with the exception of some areas in which the user can freely and expressly provide a series of data concerning him/her to access specifically identified services. Therefore, where the visitor intends to provide his/her personal data to access these additional services, he/she will be expressly informed pursuant to art. 13 of Community Regulation 679/2016/EU, European Regulation on the protection of personal data (hereinafter the “Regulation”), with an indication (by way of example) of the purposes and methods of use of the data by CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U., as well as the rights granted pursuant to articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation.

Information on the protection of personal data

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the Regulation, CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U. provides the following information.

The Data Controller and Processor

The Data Controller of Personal Data is CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U.

Types of personal data processed

To access the Site, it is not necessary to proceed with any registration. However, there are sections within the Site that require registration or the use of a username and password, or services for which it is necessary to provide your data (e.g. your data may be requested to contact us).

If CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. acquires personal information and data, it will inform users in advance, pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation, of the purposes for which such data is requested and the methods with which it will be used. Where necessary, CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. will acquire the user’s specific consent to the related use of the data. By way of example, personal data such as name and surname, telephone number, email address and other information that the user agrees to provide to use the services of the Site by completing a specific registration form may be requested. CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. will use the personal data collected online only for the purposes indicated at the time of registration.

The data relating to the connection and navigation within the Site (such as the URI-Uniform Resource Identifier addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment) are collected for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site: with the exclusion of this eventuality, the data will be deleted after the time necessary to provide the services illustrated on the Site

With reference to the data relating to navigation within the Site, see also the following point 6 regarding the Profiling Tools used by the Site.

Optional nature of providing personal data

The provision of Personal Data is generally optional. Only in certain cases, failure to provide data may make it impossible to access specific services and obtain what may be requested (e.g. filling in some fields such as name, surname, etc. is necessary to proceed with the purchase of products online).

Data processing methods and scope of communication

The data may be processed both electronically and on paper. CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U. guarantees the lawful and correct processing of personal data provided through the Site, in full compliance with current legislation, as well as the maximum confidentiality of the data provided during registration. All information collected is transmitted via a protected connection in order to prevent interception by outsiders. The security of the Site is guaranteed and certified by a leading company among providers of internet security services.

The data will not be communicated or disclosed to third parties except within the limits and under the conditions expressly indicated in the information provided to the user from time to time and subject to authorization by the user.

Links to other sites

This information is provided only for the ​CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via connection links.​ CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. cannot be held responsible for personal data provided by users to external parties or to any websites connected to this Site.

“Profiling” and/or customization tools

CARMEL S.R.L. con S.U. does not carry out any promotional and/or advertising communication activities without the prior express consent of the user.

The Site uses “Cookies”: these are text files that are sent from a web server (which is the computer on which the visited website is running) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the hard disk of the user’s PC when they visit the Site. The cookie allows the Site to identify the user’s PC, through the information stored in it, every time the user reconnects to the Site through that PC.

Through the use of cookies we can facilitate the user’s navigation within the Site.

Cookies do not collect information that directly identifies the user. In fact, CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U. cannot, through cookies, trace any directly identifying personal information (e.g. name, surname) unless provided directly by the user. Furthermore, another website cannot use a cookie released by the Site to access other information contained in the user’s computer. Once saved on the computer, the cookie can only be read by the website that created it.

Cookie Policy
What are cookies, what are they for and who installs them?

Cookies are small text strings that the websites you visit send to your device (e.g. PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) where they are stored and/or read by the browser and allow the browser to send information to those who installed the cookies in order to offer you optimal navigation, produce statistics on visits, offer you personalized content and targeted advertising. Cookies are contained in various elements hosted on the page of the site itself (such as advertising banners, images, videos, etc.).

While browsing this site, you may receive the following cookies on your device: – first-party cookies: these are cookies sent by the site of the Owner, which you are visiting, – third-party cookies: these are cookies sent by a site other than the one you are visiting, which installs its own cookies via the site of the Owner. The Data Controller is responsible for the management and responsibility of first-party cookies, while the Data Controller has no control over the activity of the third party or over the possibility that the third party may modify them over time. In relation to third-party cookies, the Data Controller acts as an intermediary and, in this capacity, refers to the third party’s information, which can be reached via a specific link placed next to each of the cookies indicated in the appropriate area reachable from the banner or at the bottom.

Other tracking tools. Similar to cookies, other tracking tools are being developed that allow the same purposes to be pursued. These tracking tools can be catalogued according to a series of different criteria, however, the main grouping criterion remains that of the purpose for which they are used: of a technical nature or of a commercial nature.

What is the purpose of this Cookie Policy?

In compliance with the provisions of the current legislation on the protection of personal data (in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data GDPR and the European and Italian legislation on cookies) we wish to inform you about the processing of your personal data collected through cookies (and possibly other tracking tools similar to them) including third parties. The processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, as well as protection of your privacy and protection of your rights.

Who is the Data Controller? How to contact him?

The Data Controller of Personal Data is CARMEL S.R.L. with S.U., with registered office in Stia, Via Roma, 33, C.A.P. 52015. It is possible to contact the Data Protection Officer, by email at

Which cookies does this site use? For what purposes, on what legal basis? Is it mandatory to provide the data? What happens if you do not provide them?

The cookies used by this site can be classified according to the following categories: a) Technical cookies, which are used to make the site work, and b) Profiling cookies, which are used to track user behavior to analyze it in order to offer services based on their preferences.

Below are the relevant details:

a. Technical Cookies, which do not require your consent

This category includes the cookies listed below, which pursue the purposes indicated respectively: navigation or session cookies, which are used to guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access reserved areas); anonymized analytics cookies, are cookies used to collect information, in aggregate form and therefore not attributable to the individual, relating to the number of users, the most visited pages, the places from which you connect, etc. to process statistics on the service and use of the site.
These cookies can also be third-party cookies. In this case, however, the Data Controller must have made them anonymous (e.g. by anonymizing the IP or masking part of it) and must not allow the third party to cross-reference the information collected through the site with other information already available to it. functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the same. Legal Basis. For navigation or functionality cookies, the legal basis lies in the performance of a service or a contract or pre-contractual measures (art. 6.b of the GDPR) since they are necessary to make the site and the service requested by users usable. The use of these cookies does not require your consent. For anonymized analytics cookies, however, the legal basis lies in the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to constantly improve the site and the service requested by users (art. 6.f of the GDPR). You have the right to object to the use of these cookies if you believe that your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms prevail over the legitimate interests of the Data Controller. The Data Controller will refrain from further use of such cookies unless it demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons that prevail over your right to object or for the establishment or defense of a right in court (art. 21 GDPR). To object to the use of such cookies, you must exercise the right recognized by the GDPR by contacting the Data Controller at the address indicated above. Need for providing data and consequences. The provision of data collected through the cookies described above is not mandatory, however it is necessary for connecting to the site and providing the service. In the partial or total absence of such provision, you will not be able to use the site or there may be problems in using it. The list of Technical cookies used by this site with their characteristics (e.g. characteristics, data retention times, etc.) is available in the appropriate area accessible from the banner or at the bottom.

b. Profiling cookies, which require your consent

First-party: installed directly by the Data Controller on its site.

Third party: installed on the Owner’s website by a third party. The Owner has no control over third-party cookies, neither on the activity and purpose of the third party, nor on the possibility that the third party may modify them over time. In this sense, the Owner acts as an intermediary. In this capacity, it refers to the third party’s information, accessible via the link placed next to each of the cookies indicated in the appropriate area accessible from the banner or present at the bottom.

Profiling cookies allow you to follow and track, through automated tools, the user’s behavior during their Internet browsing. They are intended to create profiles relating to the user and are used by the Owner or the third party in order to send the user personalized advertising content in line with their preferences and interests, expressed in the context of their Internet browsing. Profiling cookies also include non-anonymized analytics cookies used by third parties, when the Data Controller has not made them anonymous (e.g. the IP has not been anonymized) or when it allows the third party to cross-reference the information collected with other information it already has. Legal basis. The use of Profiling cookies (including non-anonymized analytics) can only occur with your consent, which constitutes the legal basis for the processing of data collected through such cookies, in accordance with the provisions of art. 6.a of the GDPR. You may provide or revoke your consent at any time by operating directly in the appropriate area accessible from the banner or at the bottom. Necessity of providing data and consequences. Failure to provide data resulting from your lack of consent for such cookies has no consequences for you in terms of browsing the site and its use, but it makes it impossible to offer you advertising messages about services and goods in line with your preferences and your real interests expressed during your web browsing.

How to manage cookie consent?

Another possibility to limit the use of cookies is to operate on your browser. Most browsers offer the possibility to express your choices regarding the use of cookies by sites. Below, we report the procedures for changing the settings on cookies and the links to the relevant pages of the main browsers on the market to express your choices.

a) Google Chrome – Select the Chrome menu icon > Select Settings > At the bottom of the page, select Show advanced settings > In the “Privacy” section, select Content settings > Select Allow local data to be saved > Select Done. For more information, see

b) Safari – To set Safari to block cookies in iOS 8, tap Settings > Safari > Block Cookies and choose “Always Allow”, “Allow only from websites I visit”, “Allow only from the current website” or “Always Block”. In iOS 7 or earlier, choose “Never”, “Third-party and advertisers” or “Always”. For more information, see

c) Firefox – Click the menu button and select options > Select the Privacy panel > Under History Settings: select Use custom settings for history > To enable cookies, check the Accept cookies from sites item; to disable them, uncheck the item. See

d) Edge – Click the Tools button and then Internet Options > Click the Privacy tab and in Settings move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies and then click OK. See

Are personal data transferred outside the European Union (EU)?

The data collected by cookies are not transferred to locations outside the European Union.

How long are the data stored?

The retention period of the data collected through the use of cookies is indicated in the lists of cookies used by this site available in the appropriate area reachable from the banner or at the bottom.

Who can know your data? To whom do we communicate them?

The data collected through cookies may be used by collaborators authorized by the Owner, such as those responsible for site maintenance and management, marketing and administration. They may also be used by any third parties (service providers, infrastructure providers, IT providers involved in the management and supervision of the site and similar) who operate on behalf of the Data Controller and have been duly appointed as data controllers in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR. With your consent, they may also be used by third parties who install their cookies on the Data Controller’s site.

What are your rights as an interested party?

The GDPR recognizes the following rights in relation to your personal data that you may exercise within the limits and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation:

Right of access to your personal data (Article 15);

Right to rectification (Article 16);

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) (Article 17);

Right to restriction of processing (Article 18);

Right to data portability (Article 20);

Right to object (art. 21): the interested party has the right to object at any time, for reasons related to his/her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her based on legitimate interest, including profiling based on it. The Data Controller will refrain from processing unless it demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court;

Right to object to a decision based solely on automated processing (art. 22);

Right to withdraw, at any time, the consent given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal.

You can obtain this by sending a written request addressed to the Data Controller at the postal address or by email, as indicated above. Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Authority for the protection of personal data, if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to the legislation in force (art. 77) or to take legal action (art. 79)